Welcome to Sound's Silhouette!
I'd like to welcome D as our newest Staff member and Megan As our newest member!
Staff auditions are currently going on.


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts [[ rules and regulations - 1 Viewing

This is where you can find the rules, how exciting. Despite the obvious boredom we all share with them I did take the time to write them, so please be polite and read them. Also inside is the Plot, and a basic guide of expectantions. Thanks!

3 3 [[ the plot
by alicyn
Aug 2, 2009 23:03:58 GMT -5
No New Posts [[ general board - 1 Viewing

You can talk about anything here

Moderator: alicyn

2 3 Christmas Card from WC3!
by Mysteryfaith
Dec 21, 2009 11:04:47 GMT -5
No New Posts [[ questions and comments

If you have any questions or comments than this is where you post them. Guests are welcome to post their questions here as well. A Staff member will usually respond with 48 hours.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts [[ about us

Want to know our purpose? Perhaps you want to know why I decided on the plot I did? Or why the member of the month is who it is? This is like the sites living library, anyone is welcome to post stuff that happened, or is happening that is historic to the site in here.

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No New Posts [[ bulletins/news

If the staff comes to any important decisions than we will post them here, as well as send out a mass PM... Now the staff decisions may not always be important as others may think, and may indeed be very random.

1 11 [[ staff auditions!!
by Raven Violet Zoltz
Nov 2, 2009 17:09:47 GMT -5
No New Posts [[ staff board

This is where the staff will hold all of their discussions. If they reach any important desicions [Like what kinda cookie we should like, :D] than we will alert you through PM.

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No New Posts [[ plug

This is the one and ONLY place you may advertise. If you post an add you MUST have a quest friendly Link Back section or your add will be deleted.
Guest Advertising/Affiliating:: Open

Sub-boards: [[ innoccents, [[ tainted ones, [[ friend requests

77 82 open tales l warriors rpg
by foxxeh
Sept 26, 2010 14:21:27 GMT -5


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts [[ pending

This is where you post your character application. If we accept it than you can walk our school's halls freely.

Preps/Jocks:: 1
Goth's/ Emo's:: 1
Cutters:: 1
Stoners:: 0
Skaters:: 1

3 5 lucien vince lachance
by alicyn
Nov 3, 2009 18:12:04 GMT -5
No New Posts [[ accepted - 1 Viewing

If your character it will be moved here and placed int he appropriate sub-board.

Sub-boards: [[ preps/jocks, [[ goth's/emo's, [[ cutters, [[ stoners, [[ skaters

10 15 Hennesy Leigh Wetherall
by Hennesy Leigh Wetherall
Nov 30, 2009 1:25:10 GMT -5
No New Posts [[ face claim

After you make your character please come here to claim your character's Play By, so no one else uses the same one.

2 6 [[ face claim thread
by Hennesy Leigh Wetherall
Dec 1, 2009 1:33:18 GMT -5
No New Posts [[ cannon claims

Come here to claim the cannons I have pre-created. You wiull still need a bio for them.

1 5 [[ cannons
by alicyn
Nov 1, 2009 16:17:53 GMT -5
No New Posts [[ character needs

If your character is in need of anything, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a killer, a drug seller, etc. than come here.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts [[ character galleries - 2 Viewing

Now this idea is something I came up with. I think It's appropriate for every chracter to have their own board for stories, pictures, and just their little comments so Here each MEMBER will get a gallery to respresent THEIR CHARCTERS.

Sub-boards: [[ alicyn's character gallery, [[ ravyn's gallery, [[ megan's gallery, [[ lex's gallery

4 6 William's Template
by william panic archer
Nov 2, 2009 18:30:48 GMT -5
No New Posts [[ thread trackers

If you have problems keeping up with all the threads your characters are in than come here.

1 1 [[ thread tracker form
by alicyn
Aug 3, 2009 14:52:31 GMT -5


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts [[ the halls

This is where the students walk around, hang out, and form their own little groups. The seperation between them is very noticible.

1 23 [[lean.wit.de.group -Raven]
by Raven Violet Zoltz
Nov 21, 2009 11:59:21 GMT -5
No New Posts [[ girl's restrooms

This is the one and only time all the gangs may get along, that is because they are in a hurry to get out and be reunited with their gangs.

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No New Posts [[ boy's restrooms

The boys never even cast a second glance at each other, perhaps because they so long to murder the "Others"

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No New Posts [[ gym roof

Remember the old stories about the girl that jumped or hung herself? This is where the students actually do that, that or the just com eup here to sleep with each other in secret.

1 18 sticks and stones [open]
by Rayne Irony Skye
Nov 4, 2009 10:00:23 GMT -5
No New Posts [[ the cafeteria

Well now they are divided by tables, all colors different, and all personalities different.

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No New Posts [[ the showers

While most students never even go to class they do use the showers. Now the showers have several uses, in fact im sure you can name several, but that's for you to decide. Just watch where you step, and keep an eye on whos behind you.

1 1 ...but words can never hurt me { open
by jace brent holly
Nov 2, 2009 18:12:55 GMT -5
No New Posts [[ behind the school

Remember the movies of the Stoners smoking behind the building? Well it's pretty much the same, they come back here when they want to get outside. Wacth out, there are funny fumes that could easily get you high.

1 20 Trapped Here [Open! R-Some Sexual Material]
by alicyn
Nov 3, 2009 18:03:03 GMT -5
No New Posts [[ the stage

This is where the play practices were held before the Student Uprising, it still is in one piece, the students don't destroy for this is their home.

1 10 My Fall Back Plan
by jace brent holly
Nov 2, 2009 20:06:21 GMT -5
No New Posts [[ female dorms

The bedrooms. The girls stay seperated from the others, sticking to their gangs. The girls are known to be polite to each other at times, and even let one of the opposite gang members sleep with their leader.

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No New Posts [[ male dorms

The male Bedrooms. The stay seperated as well, throwing the occasional taunting words at one another. For the most part they keep to themselves, half of them never go to bed anyway.

1 12 nightmares and histories...don't mix [open/solo]
by william panic archer
Nov 4, 2009 20:59:12 GMT -5


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts [[ the courts

This is the Preps place to hang out, including football fields, basketball courts, all your basic sports centers.

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No New Posts [[ the grove - 1 Viewing

The grove is a shaded park bench, this is most commonly where you with find the goths and maybe a few cutters.

1 1 Welcome to No Man's Land [open]
by Winnie Art Riley
Nov 2, 2009 18:08:11 GMT -5
No New Posts [[ gator rock

Gator rock is the Stoner's hide out, simply a large rock in the middle of this complex where the smoke their drugs freely, after all the students run the school.

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No New Posts [[ sand pit - 1 Viewing

This is where you will find the skaters, perhaps lounging in silence or talking about some strange thing that struck them funny. They are a tight nit group.

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No New Posts [[ blood stained stream

No one goes here, it was rumored that a girl slit her throat in the red waterred stream, and that is why the water runs red. They say she haunts the school, but no one knows for sure because most that see her never come back.

1 1 Drifting Away [open]
by Rayne Irony Skye
Nov 4, 2009 18:54:26 GMT -5


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